
Gonzalo's closer relationship with movement and bodywork began as a teenager in Buenos Aires in an underground theater group that focused on developmental psychophilosophical research.

Während der Diktatur Anfang der 1980er Jahren kamen die Mitglieder der Gruppe in London wieder zusammen und gründeten eine Tanz- und Theaterkompanie, in der er als Regieassistent hauptsächlich für Fotografie, Bühnen- und Requisitendesign, Kochen und Massieren der Truppe tätig war. Er nahm teil am Unterricht, aber trat nur als Musiker auf.

There followed 25 years of Gonzalo's dedication to art and meditation. His main physical work was the hard work of a craftsman and his material wood and metals as a sculptor and goldsmith, although during these years he also practiced aikido, studied dance with a Sufi community in Europe and Iran, and learned classical Hindustani music from Master S. Dagar.

In 2010, Gonzalo finished his work as a sculptor and closed the large workshop with the intention of dedicating himself to movement, the "material" being the body.

He began to practice contact improvisation and learned about BMC®, which impressed him greatly. He realized that the study and research in BMC® completed all the other experiences and teachings of the past and immersed himself in it. He has completed the SME "Somatic Movement Educator" Program and the subsequent "Practitioner Program" from the School of Body Mind Centering®.

His teachers in BMC® were chronologically: Nina Wehnert, Friederike Tröscher, Jens Johansen, Odile Seitz, Gloria Desideri, Thomas Greil, Jeanette Engler, Walburga Glatz and many others. During the pandemic he also took all of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's online courses.

Gonzalo Sainz Trapaga is a professional member of the BMCA (Body-Mind Centering® Association) and ISMETA (The International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association).

Gonzalo still works in his goldsmith and artist workshop in Bonn, where he discusses, designs, does graphic work, teaches and cooks lunch.