Introduction To Body-Mind Centering® & Fluids

In these workshop we will visualise, somatize and with good luck also embody the different body fluids in movement and using touch, specially and before all else sensing. This workshop starting in January 2024 consists of six classes with a group of up to ten participants. We will focus on the dynamics of fluids in the body, their qualities, rhythm and relationship to each other and to other body systems. The effect of this work is awareness of self from an anatomic and kinaesthetic perspective.
More about BMC® here.
Please bring loose clothing that supports movement. 🌱
Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse in BMC® erforderlich, komm‘ wie du bist. 😉
Location: Bewegungsraum – Breite Strasse 56 – 53111 Bonn
Only on registration: