Somatic Movement Education

In the beginning was movement

One of the things I think is essential about perception is that we reach a point where we become aware and then let it go, so that perception itself is not a motivation. That our motivation is perception-based action.

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Founder of the BMC® school 

Experiential anatomy

A movement praxis based on the experience of Body Mind Centering® to facilitate awareness and embodiment of the acting and resting self.

Through movement and at their own pace and manner, participants become aware of previously hidden perspectives and dimensionality of the self through visualization, somatization and embodiment of neurocellular patterns and other anatomical structures and systems.

No previous experience is required, everyone of all ages is welcome. The room is full with 15 people, so it is worth registering in advance at the following address:

Every Wednesday at 7pm in Breite Straße 56 in Bonn

Participants will be met at the door five minutes before, we start on time and end the class between 8:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.Solltest du zu spät ankommen, In ausnähme fällen, bei Xinbao klingeln.

It is recommended to put 20€ in the bowl but everyone can contribute according to their means.

The evenings are led by Gonzalo Sainz-Trapaga, Somatic Movement Educator and Certified Practitioner of the School of Body Mind Centering®